What you say matters!
Positive language is important for your babies learn to swim journey. When we use positive language and create a positive learning space the brain is open and receptive to taking in and retaining information.
By holding a positive and optimistic word in your mind, you stimulate frontal lobe activity. This area includes specific language centres that connect directly to the motor cortex responsible for moving you into action. And as our research has shown, the longer you concentrate on positive words, the more you begin to affect other areas of the brain.
~Newburg, Waldman
When using positive language try to ensure you are using descriptive words as to what your child is doing right. This will also give their learning a boost by re enforcing the actions and behaviour you want to see from your child in class time. A great example of this would be 'great kicking johnny'
Some important to remember that even though your baby may not be saying much yet they certainly understand a lot of what we say.
When conversing with their instructor try not to talk about what you feel your baby does not like. A common example of this would be 'oh Sally hates back floating' when in fact Sally does not hate back floating Sally is going through a righting reflex stage or is being held in a way that is not comfortable or has been placed on her back quickly or at a time when she was busy doing other things. By using negative language about back floating in front of your baby will also trigger them to think and feel that they do not like back floating because this is what you are telling them.
Back floating is just one and a common example of where it is important to use positive language. For great baby back float tips and information please visit our Back floating Article.
Instead of giving in and relating your babies reaction to negativity, investigate why the behaviour is occurring and what methods we can use for a positive out come. If you are unsure why the behaviour is occurring your instructor can assist. The Aquatots baby swim team is highly qualified and skilled group who come with a wealth of baby swim information.
Positive language will also have the same effect on adults as it does on babies. When we think and talk positively we feel better about the world and ourselves.