
Aquatots pre school program is a child centred program that will enhance your child's love for the aquatic environment and teach them a skill that may one day save their life.

We teach pre school children in small groups with children of the same swimming ability. The classes take place in an area that will maximise your child's swimming time within the 30 minute time period. By learning to swim in a small group, children also have the chance to develop important social skills like communication, sharing and taking turns.

At Aquatots we teach children to rely on their own buoyancy as this is what they will need to do if they are ever in an emergency situation. Children that learn to swim in deep water have the confidence to swim any where.

We understand that each child is unique and will learn at their own pace and with their own style. In our Pre school program children will be learning the elements of all four strokes in each level.

The Aquatots way will nurture your child's swimming development by finding a method and teaching style that your child will relate to and progress with.

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Sea Horses 1

Ages 3 to 5 years

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  • Sea horse 1 level is for children 3 to 5 years of age that are at the beginning of their learn to swim journey. They are working on natural buoyancy. Instructors encourage children to enjoy their aquatic experience with imagination play, toys, games and songs. Sea Horse 1 children will be taught how to hold their breath to submerge as this will aid with their floatation.

    Children in the Sea Horse 1 level do not require a parent or guardian in the water and the duration of the class is 30 minutes.

    To graduate from this level children need to start kindergarten or master front and back gliding with correct head an body position and a jump and twist back to the wall.

Sea Horses 2

Ages 3 to 5 years

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  • The Sea Horse 2 level is for children that have mastered natural buoyancy front and back. They will be working on propulsion. The Aquatots program teaches propulsion through effective kick techniques and underwater pull. All four strokes will be taught as children that are talented at Breaststroke and Butterfly will struggle with Freestyle and Backstroke. This method allows all types of swimmers to advance in skills and progress with their swimming development equally. Sea Horse 2 children will also be working on basic breathing patterns.

    Children in the Sea Horse 2 level do not require a parent or guardian in the water and the duration of a class is 30 minutes.

    To graduate form Sea Horse 2 children need to demonstrate effective kick technique on their front, roll to their back using correct breathing, continue propulsion on their back and a duck dive with a comfortable resurface from the bottom of the pool.

Sea Horses 3

Ages 3 to 5 years

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  • Children in Sea Horse 3 have mastered basic breathing techniques and propulsion front and back. In this level they will be moving onto learning the basic strokes. All four strokes are taught to encourage all types of swimmers. Practice is done over short effective laps as this ensures students do not suffer from fatigue and can get great results for their practice drills each time. Minimizing fatigue allows for a quicker progression and imprints the correct movements into the muscle memory.

    Children in Sea Horse 3 do not require and parent or guardian in the water and the duration of a class is 30 minutes

    To graduate form Sea Horse 3 children must demonstrate basic arm strokes front and back, basic breathing with the strokes and be able to co-ordinate their arms and legs at the same time to move through the water along with a jump and a self rescue onto their back.

Sea Horses 4

Ages 3 to 5 years

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  • Children in Sea Horse 4 are advanced swimmers for their age. They can perform the basics of the strokes for a distance and are ready to move onto the technical side of all four strokes. In this level children will move onto side breathing and timing for the four strokes

    Children in Sea Horse 4 do not require a parent or guardian in the water and the duration of a class is 30 minutes

    To graduate from Sea Horse 4 children must be starting Kindergarten the teachnical side of all four strokes are taught in this level.

Aquatots Sea Horses Programs

Aquatots News

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