Coming into Summer many parents ask what the best floatation devise to use when they are on holidays.
At Aquatots we do not recommend floatation devises for swimming but do understand that they give babies/children freedom to swim on their own. If you have decided to try a floatation devise with your child you must understand that your child will need to have swimming time without the float as well to maintain swimming skills and correct body position.
With this advise we also want parents to understand that any floatation devise does not and should not replace adult active supervision in or around water.
The best type of swimming you can do over Summer with your child is freedom to move and explore using their own buoyancy.
Any floatation devise you use on your child will change their centre of buoyancy. Most will have your child swimming vertically or in an upright position. Having your child swimming in this position for long period will imprint the incorrect muscle memory and movement for swimming. It is best practice to have your child in a horizontal position when swimming so they can move easily through the water. Having them swim freely will also mean they are learning how to rely on their own buoyancy and balance correctly in the water.
Floatation devises also give parents and children the false sense that the child can swim. If a child that has learnt to swim with a buoyancy aid falls into water they are usually unable to save them selves.
In saying all of this if you do choose to use a buoyancy aid ensure you use it for a short period and then allow your child to swim freely. Below are some things to consider when purchasing
Any float around the waist can tip over and actually hold your baby underwater. Children using this type of buoyancy aid do not have the physical strength to right themselves in these situations.
Float vests are great fun once your child gains the core strength and ability to use one. Do not assume your child will be able to use one of these straight away. It will take a bit of time for them to work it out and stop rolling around.
Floaties can come with air all around the arm, we find these work well as it will hold your child's mouth away form the water. These are the worst for teaching a vertical swim though.
Noodles are ok as they can come on and off as they please. The noodle will also teach a vertical swim if your child has it under their arms or sits on it like a horse.
Neck rings are banned in Australia and should not be used.
For a quick learning progression to independent swimming is to be in the water with your child. Allow them to explore on their own. If your child does fall into the deeper water guide them back to the ledge/edge, eventually you will find they will start to do this themselves. If your child is to fall over in shallow water try not to pick them up but allow them to right themselves by guiding them to do so at first and you will find that they will also start to perform this skill on their own.
Swimming with your child without a float is always great bonding time. In the water your child gains 100% quality time with the person in the water. Swimming is a lot of fun and great exercise for the whole family.
Always remember a floatation devise should never replace active adult supervision in or around water.
We hope you all have a great Summer break and get to the water as much as you can. Any type of swimming will help your child's swimming progression especially if it is play based. We always look forward to seeing the kids after the break as many of them have progressed so much due to the increase in water contact over the break.
Happy Summer Swimming!