People talk about the terrible twos some kids hit this stage hard as their brain development is moving so fast that their body, mind and ability to communicate all of these new feelings has trouble keeping up. If you are dreading the terrible twos we have a story for you.
You have not seen anything yet until you have met a threenager. Threenagers are aware of themselves, they now understand they are a complete separate person to their parents and are starting to gain a sense of self. With this sense of self comes a need to push the limits and make their own rules and see how many times they can be the ruler of all worlds even if some of the rules mean that they miss out on the things they actually love to do.
As with any stage, some children will hit it hard and others not so much. So what does this stage mean for your child's learn to swim? As with any developmental leap a couple of steps back before we move forward again is always the key, especially at this stage. Trying to battle with a three year old once they have decided to dig their heels in rarely ends in a win before the conclusion of their 30 minute swim lesson.
Knowing why your child is digging their heels in will help the situation and allows you and your little one to work through the problem together. Ask yourself:
Understanding that your child around the age of three will be moving from a parent/guardian assisted class into an independent class is a huge change, especially if they have spent the last 3 years in a parent/guardian assisted class. This assisted class is all they have known and now you are expecting them to go into the water without you. Most of the time, the change of class will also mean a change of instructor and their new instructor will be a stranger for a few lessons before they warm up.
Aquatots has come up with few tips to help parents with these wonderful little humans that will one day rule the world. Unlike two year olds, these three year olds are smart. They are not so easily distracted by toys and things however, they still love to play and have fun. Find an instructor that is fun, relaxed and animated and you will find your child cannot help wanting to participate. If they do decide to assert their authority you can:
The most important thing to remember is they are only little. Your mini dictator is just trying to learn their place in the world. Their brains are developing at a rapid rate and sometimes all of this stimulation and input becomes overwhelming. Work with them and help guide them through this wonderful stage which too, shall pass.
If you have any questions in regards to your threenager and their swimming please feel free to contact our experts